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Viewing 'Hively Tracker Support'

Thread Started by Posts Last post by
Hively Tracker 2.0 Wii won't support SDHC cards efen3001
2017-02-04 02:12:55
3 efen3001
2019-08-08 06:50:21
Hivelytracker 1.8 for Debian Jessie 64 bit and derived distros. rm2
2017-01-25 12:19:02
6 tarzeau
2017-03-31 10:13:20
New release when? passing_by
2016-06-29 03:53:19
5 Develin
2022-11-16 09:19:09
Hively Tracker and El Capitan Moggy
2016-03-29 05:29:04
2 Xeron
2016-04-07 10:57:45
Subsongs? How? Samurai_Crow
2015-12-30 13:36:25
2 Xeron
2016-01-05 21:35:03
replayer 1.6 under Xubuntu 15.04 not working dc_coder_84
2015-08-04 17:25:09
4 Xeron
2015-08-05 18:10:13
Raspbian port almost perfect Samurai_Crow
2015-05-27 17:57:32
12 tarzeau2
2018-08-12 20:10:49
Replayer backwards compatibility xihyrk
2015-04-10 12:31:02
5 Xeron
2015-04-11 12:50:00
BUG str00t
2015-02-19 22:14:39
8 str00t
2015-02-25 00:13:04
replayer bug on Android haspor
2015-02-15 15:12:16
3 Xeron
2015-02-17 19:27:20
Hively Tracker 1.8 doesn't run on OS X 10.9 Argasek
2014-11-22 15:32:51
6 Samurai_Crow
2014-12-24 17:04:44
Hively1.8 Mac10.6.8 bug Samurai_Crow
2014-10-27 16:14:57
6 Samurai_Crow
2014-12-24 17:05:35
2 bugs I found AceMan
2014-04-17 05:21:54
4 AceMan
2014-04-24 11:43:19
A couple of bugs passing_by
2013-08-27 16:13:58
8 Xeron
2013-09-17 17:52:40
White noise generator fix passing_by
2013-07-01 19:47:14
3 Xeron
2013-09-23 17:32:44
How to force mono? Afrowolf
2013-06-01 15:55:09
2 Afrowolf
2013-06-01 16:02:02
Forum feature request passing_by
2013-05-21 12:48:42
4 passing_by
2013-05-29 20:01:41
Filtering and overtones passing_by
2013-05-09 22:00:03
18 Xeron
2014-04-23 17:51:32
AHX playback incompatibilities passing_by
2013-05-06 20:46:08
8 Xeron
2013-05-13 18:34:38
HVL2WAV BrandonWalsh
2013-03-08 23:27:25
9 SketchMan3
2013-04-21 15:52:46
"Save AHX" crashes Hively when using HVL specific fe BrandonWalsh
2013-01-12 19:27:05
4 BrandonWalsh
2013-01-17 20:36:24
Buying an Amiga BrandonWalsh
2013-01-07 14:47:59
5 BrandonWalsh
2013-01-17 20:43:57
PT Key shortcuts? Monk
2012-12-26 05:34:32
4 Xeron
2014-04-21 19:35:21
Is it a bug? Mr_Eeh
2012-10-28 19:18:07
2 Xeron
2012-10-28 19:43:30
MIDI Support? XDelusion
2010-04-06 20:11:28
2 Xeron
2010-04-09 13:58:43
*AROS* No "play while tune is playing?" rebb
2010-02-07 19:40:29
2 rebb
2010-02-07 22:34:25
Speed multiplier range bug javamannen
2009-12-10 19:58:33
4 Xeron
2013-05-07 18:03:14
Documentation bugs javamannen
2009-12-07 23:32:03
2 Xeron
2013-05-07 18:28:15
Hively support for AmiDARK Engine [ Amiga OS4] AmiDARK
2009-10-14 11:26:43
2010-06-16 08:19:24
chiprolled crashes the replayer...even with hvl_replay.c 1.6!!! freedrull
2009-08-28 02:47:07
7 dc_coder_84
2010-10-15 21:13:27
PLEASE HELP getting started..... Wenis_of_Lore
2009-08-26 08:26:35
4 exobuzz
2009-09-28 18:53:47
Hively Player on PSP spotUP
2009-03-21 11:19:03
1 spotUP
2009-03-21 11:19:03
songlenght calculation? spotUP
2009-01-21 07:21:54
2 Xeron
2009-01-21 11:09:58
Hively Replayer for NintendoDS? spotUP
2008-11-30 18:32:25
2 Xeron
2008-11-30 22:08:54
Audio Overload supports the HVL format spotUP
2008-09-25 22:53:46
1 spotUP
2008-09-25 22:53:46
Problems with replayer...
[ 1 2 ]
2008-09-09 20:21:42
22 Xeron
2009-01-24 07:34:50
WARNING: Serious bug in hively 1.4 Xeron
2008-04-16 17:43:40
1 Xeron
2008-04-16 17:43:40
Feature request for Hively coze
2007-10-28 15:48:37
2 syphus
2007-10-29 20:57:19
Mac Player! spotUP
2007-09-29 15:36:32
3 spotUP
2007-10-10 02:14:28
.hvl on modules.pl AceMan
2007-08-17 07:23:10
4 AceMan
2007-08-21 12:04:47
A cause for the old bug Monk
2007-08-07 00:48:39
3 Monk
2007-08-07 15:06:25
Mousewheel problem javamannen
2007-06-19 09:34:35
12 javamannen
2007-07-06 20:50:51
Winamp Plug archive damaged...? syphus
2007-03-20 01:44:32
5 syphus
2007-03-25 02:12:07
GUI not correct in OS4 (any version)! Menthos
2007-03-13 19:43:53
5 Xeron
2007-03-14 09:41:31
Instruments play incorrectly in free-play Deltafire
2007-01-27 16:42:13
5 syphus
2007-01-28 19:46:32
Hively replay bugs
[ 1 2 3 4 ]
2007-01-13 11:45:17
78 Xeron
2008-03-09 17:27:09
Audio latency in UAE Doom
2007-01-09 08:14:34
4 Deltafire
2007-01-14 02:55:03
Quick bug report: syphus
2007-01-06 20:48:58
4 spotUP
2007-01-09 16:23:40
Tutorial: Get crisp sound in UAE. spotUP
2007-01-05 17:52:39
4 Xeron
2007-01-06 19:02:43
missing Fonts Kami68k
2007-01-04 14:13:01
3 Kami68k
2007-01-04 17:46:32
Zap song/track/positions? m0d
2007-01-03 20:17:23
6 spotUP
2007-01-09 18:48:39
"Cannot initialise audio" error AceMan
2007-01-02 21:29:20
8 Xeron
2007-10-18 13:34:37
Hively in Basic UAE configuration - Help. m0d
2007-01-02 09:35:34
7 Xeron
2007-01-02 23:41:50
New AHX Docs in PDF format! spotUP
2006-12-27 03:50:00
10 AceMan
2007-08-17 07:11:27
Crackly side effect... Monk
2006-12-25 20:43:41
6 Monk
2006-12-27 21:09:50
AAAARGH! K is killing me! syphus
2006-12-23 04:33:17
2 Xeron
2006-12-23 10:08:02
Does Hively strip unused patterns when saving .HVL? syphus
2006-12-21 14:15:30
3 syphus
2006-12-21 15:26:56
Delitracker plugin? spotUP
2006-12-21 01:13:33
2 spotUP
2006-12-21 01:13:59
Some reported bugs from other forums... spotUP
2006-12-16 20:23:14
5 spotUP
2006-12-17 20:20:22
HivelyTracker failing PNG... spotUP
2006-12-16 17:18:36
2 Xeron
2006-12-16 21:51:51
HivelyTracker [68k]
[ 1 2 3 ]
2006-12-16 14:57:52
42 exobuzz
2008-05-20 21:54:12
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